HetzJaeger Antifascist Algorithms

Let's face it, algorithms rule our online world. Or rather, algorithms rule THE world.

From what we see on our social media feeds to the music we're recommended, these behind-the-scenes computations hold immense power. Enter "Hetzjäger," a campaign that brilliantly turned the tables on these algorithms, leveraging them for a bold social statement.

At first glance, one might marvel at how Hetzjäger achieved virality, but dig deeper and you discover an ingenious blend of art and strategy. This project didn't just use the algorithm—it exposed its flaws. By creating a "Neo-Nazi Fake Band" that became recommended, Hetzjäger laid bare the potentially harmful recommendations these algorithms can make, bringing to the forefront the responsibility platforms must bear.

Hetzjäger is a masterclass in the power of subversive thinking. It invites us to not only consider the message but also the medium, and how these two elements can intersect in unexpected and impactful ways.

Key Takeouts:

  1. Algorithmic Responsibility: Platforms need to ensure their recommendation algorithms aren't inadvertently promoting harmful content.

  2. The Power of Subversion: Sometimes, the most effective way to highlight a problem is by turning it on its head.

  3. Message & Medium Interplay: Think not just about the story you want to tell but also about how and where you tell it.

Hetzjäger challenges us to think critically about the content we consume and the systems that serve it to us. It's a timely reminder that while technology can be gamed, the onus is on us—and the platforms we use—to ensure it's used responsibly.


  • Agency Network: fischerAppelt

    Holding Company: fischerAppelt

    Production Company: Philipp und Keuntje, Hamburg

    Advertiser Brand: Laut gegen Nazis, Hamburg

    Advertising Agency: Philipp und Keuntje, Hamburg

    Entrant Company: Philipp und Keuntje, Hamburg

    Public Relations Agency: fischerAppelt, Hamburg

    Chief Creative Officer: Diether Kerner / fischerAppelt

    Creative Director: Nicolas Klein / Philipp und Keuntje

    Executive Creative Director: Jonas Keller / Philipp und Keuntje

    Creative Director: Moritz Raulfs / Philipp und Keuntje

    Art Director: Scott Gurinskaite / Philipp und Keuntje

    Art Director: Shannon Rogers / Philipp und Keuntje

    Producer: Lisa Krane / Philipp und Keuntje

    Account Manager: Lena Reinke / Philipp und Keuntje

    Advisor: Rabea Huthmann / Philipp und Keuntje

    Editor: Lisa Pawlowski-Neuber / fischerAppelt

    Account Manager: Ayleen Finkenzeller / fischerAppelt

    Head of Digital Media: Elena Nikanorova / fischerAppelt

    Copywriter: Haye Stein / Philipp und Keuntje


The impossible combo

