The impossible combo

In an age where brand collaborations are frequent, this particular partnership takes a delightful twist. Fast-food giants Burger King and McDonald's have been industry rivals for years, with each having its signature products that have accumulated their own dedicated fan bases.

The 'Impossible Combo' campaign cleverly taps into the cultural zeitgeist, the power of social media, and a consumer's undying love for their favorite food items. By blending the Whopper from Burger King with McDonald's iconic fries, the campaign does more than just offer a new product; it tells a story and creates a moment in fast-food history.

Key Takeouts:

  1. Cultural Significance: Understanding what your audience desires can lead to breakthrough ideas. The craving for this combo was not a marketer's fantasy; it was a consumer's dream.

  2. Power of “Partnership”: Collaborations can transcend competition. By partnering with a delivery app, the campaign didn't just bring two rival brands together but leveraged a third to amplify reach and functionality.

  3. Immediate Impact: Swift sell-outs and an overwhelmed delivery app serve as testaments to the power of a well-executed campaign. The instant results are a reminder of the potency of real-time marketing.

In Conclusion: Sometimes the most ground-breaking ideas are the ones staring us right in the face. The 'Impossible Combo' is less about innovation and more about listening, understanding, and delivering what the consumers have been asking for.


  • Client: Burger King

    Country: Brazil, United States

    Advertising Agency: DAVID Miami, DAVID São Paulo, Zubi Advertising

    Art Director: Joana Plautz, Marlus Lau, Oliver Ehmig

    Associate Creative Director: Francisco Losada, Luis Felipe Núñez

    Creative Director: Fabricio Pretto, Jorge Jacome, Rogério Chaves


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