
The digital gaming world has just taken a leap towards inclusivity with the "E-nterpreters" project, a groundbreaking initiative using AI bots to bridge communication gaps for deaf gamers. Developed by Pilsen Callao, this AI technology transcends conventional gaming barriers by translating in-game chat into sign language in real time on Discord. This isn't merely an advancement in gaming technology; it's a statement of unity and accessibility, proving that the joy of gaming is a universal language.

The initiative showcases the potential of AI to create inclusive spaces where communication no longer excludes individuals with hearing impairments. "E-nterpreters" serves as a beacon for how technology can be harnessed to serve the community, breaking down the silence that many deaf gamers have felt in the multiplayer gaming experience. The figures of translated words and the ongoing development of new language capabilities reflect a commitment to continuous improvement and inclusivity.

For marketers and strategists in the gaming industry and beyond, the "E-nterpreters" project is a remarkable case study in corporate social responsibility. It exemplifies how brands can leverage technology not only to enhance product offerings but to foster a more inclusive community. The underlying message is clear: when companies invest in accessibility, they're not just altering the game—they're changing lives.

when companies invest in accessibility, they're not just altering the game— they're changing lives.

Key Takeouts:

  1. AI as an Inclusivity Tool: The "E-nterpreters" project demonstrates AI's transformative power in creating inclusive environments for all gamers, regardless of hearing ability.

  2. Community Impact: By prioritizing the needs of deaf gamers, Pilsen Callao is nurturing a more inclusive gaming community, setting a new standard for accessibility in the digital world.

  3. Brand Commitment: The ongoing development of new language translations shows a long-term commitment to diversity and inclusivity, reinforcing the brand's dedication to social responsibility.

In essence, "E-nterpreters" is not just a technological triumph—it's a step toward a more inclusive future where gaming is accessible to everyone. It's a testament to the power of innovation to drive social change and a reminder of the importance of considering all members of the gaming community in product and service development. This project paves the way for others to follow, highlighting that the future of gaming, and technology as a whole, is inclusive.


  • Lead: Fahrenheit DDB

    Client: Pilsen Callao

    Brand: Pilsen Callao

    Advertising Agency: Fahrenheit DDB

    Production Company: KA&O Films and Content

    Country: Peru

    Art Director: Carlos Hildebrant

    Chief Creative Officer: Ricardo Chadwick

    Copywriter: Kenny Quiroz

    Creative Director: Aldo Silva, Rudy Camones

    Executive Creative Director: Sergio Franco Tosso


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