Vienna Strips on OnlyFans

What if the bastions of classical art ventured into contemporary platforms to challenge censorship?

At the crossroads of tradition and modernity, Vienna made a remarkable stride. Harnessing the allure of OnlyFans, a platform traditionally synonymous with adult content, Vienna shone a spotlight on a pressing concern: censorship. Centuries ago, Vienna's artists championed unbridled expression. Yet, in our digital age, their iconic works fell victim to the algorithms of Facebook and Instagram. The ingenious campaign wasn't merely a statement; it was a call to arms, questioning who truly holds the right to dictate the consumption of art.

Traditional art met modern problems, and the solution? A modern platform.

From a creative's perspective, this endeavor exemplifies out-of-the-box thinking. Traditional art met modern problems, and the solution? A modern platform. It reveals an invaluable insight: timeless messages can find resonance in contemporary settings when presented disruptively.

Key Takeouts:

  1. Merge Old with New: Modern problems can be addressed using timeless content in innovative ways.

  2. Challenge the Media: Using unexpected platforms can amplify the impact of a message.

  3. Art as Protest: Creative works are powerful tools for socio-cultural commentary and can initiate global conversations.

True creativity often flourishes at intersections, where the old meets the new and tradition challenges convention. This dynamic combination gives rise to a powerful narrative that urges us to reconsider our preconceived notions and question the established norms.


  • Agency Network: Jung von Matt

    Holding Company: Jung von Matt

    Production Company: Jung von Matt DONAU, Vienna

    Advertiser Brand: Vienna Tourist Board, Vienna

    Advertising Agency: Jung von Matt DONAU GmbH, Vienna

    Entrant Company: Jung von Matt DONAU GmbH, Vienna

    Chief Creative Officer: Werner Singer / Jung von Matt DONAU

    Creative Director: Michael Morgenbesser / Jung von Matt DONAU

    Art Director: Denise Danninger / Jung von Matt DONAU

    Copywriter: David Schneider / Jung von Matt DONAU

    Motion Designer: Julian Frener / Jung von Matt DONAUDescription text goes here


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