Heineken The Closer

In the landscape of today's work culture, where the glorification of ceaseless productivity and performance often overshadows worker satisfaction and well-being, Heineken has made a timely and critical intervention. The new normal for many includes a relentless pursuit of work, a pursuit that, without boundaries, can lead to a state of workaholism—a genuine concern in times where the demarcation between professional and personal life is increasingly obscure.

Heineken's "The Closer" campaign is a narrative and literal device that pushes against this tide. More than an ad, it's a wake-up call. The special bottle opener—the hero of this story—does more than pop open the cap of a well-earned beer at the end of the day. It symbolically and physically shuts down computers and other work devices. It's a tangible reminder to close browsers, silence notifications, and, if necessary, cut the power and Wi-Fi connection altogether. This gadget is not just about the cessation of work; it's about reclaiming the sacred space of leisure, emphasizing that there is, indeed, a time to disconnect.

This gadget is not just about the cessation of work; it's about reclaiming the sacred space of leisure, emphasizing that there is, indeed, a time to disconnect.

Key Takeouts:

  1. Technology with Purpose: The Closer stands as a symbol of Heineken's commitment to promoting a healthy work-life balance, recognizing the risk of workaholism in today's society.

  2. Innovation Meets Advocacy: Heineken's use of a physical product as a tool to encourage mental health and satisfaction is a creative merger of innovation and social advocacy.

  3. Strategic Storytelling: The narrative strategy employed by Heineken in this campaign reflects a deep understanding of the current work culture and the need for clear boundaries between work and personal time.

Heineken has intelligently positioned "The Closer" as more than a gadget; it's a statement, a boundary, a line drawn in the sand. For creatives and marketers, it's a reminder of the profound potential of products to resonate with the zeitgeist, and to offer solutions that extend beyond the functional into the realm of the psychological and emotional. "The Closer" isn't just closing calls; it's opening a conversation about the value of time off and the importance of rest in the relentless rhythm of modern life.


  • Lead: Publicis Italy

    Client: Heineken Amsterdam

    Advertising Agency: Publicis Italy

    Production Company: Division

    Country: France, Italy, Netherlands

    Art Director: Joao Araujo

    Associate Creative Directors: Giulio Frittaion, Valentino Borghesi

    Chief Creative Officers: Bruno Bertelli, Cristiana Boccassini, Eldin Fetahovic, Mihnea Gheorghiu, Milos Obradovic

    Copywriter: Ruben De Barros

    Creative Directors: Luca Boncompagni, Rico de LangeDescription text goes here


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