Los Santos +3°c

In an era where digital worlds and reality collide, Greenpeace and VMLY&R Brazil have collaborated to bring a sobering environmental message to one of the most iconic virtual cities: Los Santos from Grand Theft Auto. The initiative, titled "Los Santos +3ºC," transformed the familiar digital playground into a stark visual of climate change's potential impact, bringing the conversation into a space frequented by millions.

This project does more than present a dystopian future; it serves as a call to action, leveraging the immersive power of gaming to drive home the urgency of our climate crisis. As players navigate a Los Santos ravaged by flooding, drought, and air pollution, the escapism video games typically offer is replaced by a confronting reality check.

For the creative and marketing community, "Los Santos +3ºC" demonstrates a bold strategy to engage a young audience often perceived as hard to reach with traditional environmental messaging. By inserting critical issues into the fabric of a beloved game, Greenpeace has set a precedent for how virtual experiences can foster real-world awareness and activism.

Key Takeouts:

  1. Immersive Advocacy: The initiative shows the effectiveness of immersive experiences in raising awareness about complex issues like climate change.

  2. Engagement through Gamification: Greenpeace's approach to gamifying climate activism through "Los Santos +3ºC" can significantly increase engagement, particularly with younger demographics.

  3. Influencer Collaboration: Partnering with influencers to broadcast this altered reality on platforms like Twitch underscores the importance of using popular voices to amplify critical messages.

Los Santos +3ºC blurs the lines between entertainment and education

Los Santos +3ºC is more than a modded game map—it's a creative testament to the power of storytelling through interactive media. It blurs the lines between entertainment and education, urging gamers and the public alike to realize that, while Los Santos' climate plight may be virtual, our planet's is alarmingly real. Greenpeace's innovative approach serves as a stark reminder that the actions we take in our present will define the landscape of our future—both virtual and real.



Heinz Marz edition


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