Lime is Back.

Skittles has taken a novel approach to rectify a flavor faux pas that sparked an uproar among its fans. In 2013, the introduction of green apple caused a sour note with Skittles enthusiasts who missed their beloved lime. In a vibrant twist, Skittles has orchestrated what could be the longest corporate apology in history, complete with an "apology tour" to win back the hearts of lime loyalists.

This campaign is more than an expression of regret; it's a playful and sincere effort to engage with consumers over a decision that, to the surprise of many, was deeply felt. Skittles acknowledged the outcry with a multi-faceted campaign that spanned from Times Square billboards to Twitch livestreams, and even a NASCAR partnership.

For those in the realms of marketing and public relations, Skittles’ strategy is a study in the power of listening to your consumer base and the value of creatively addressing their feedback. This isn't just about bringing back a flavor; it's about reinforcing a brand's connection with its audience and doing so with the same whimsy that Skittles is known for.

Key Takeouts:

  1. Consumer Engagement: Skittles’ approach to addressing consumer dissatisfaction was to engage directly and personally, turning negative feedback into an interactive brand moment.

  2. Creative Campaigning: By taking their apology public in such a grand and humorous way, Skittles transformed what could have been a negative into a positive, reinforcing their brand’s playful image.

  3. Multi-Channel Activation: Skittles’ use of diverse channels from digital to physical and even the racetrack, maximized the reach and impact of their message, ensuring the conversation resonated across demographics.

The Skittles Lime comeback is a best practice in the art of the corporate mea culpa

In conclusion, the Skittles Lime comeback is not merely a flavor revival, but a case study in the art of the corporate mea culpa. It showcases how a brand can effectively restore customer loyalty and enthusiasm after a misstep. The massive engagement and media coverage are testaments to a well-executed campaign that struck a chord with the public and served as a reminder that even small changes can have a significant impact when it comes to consumer products.


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