Heartbeat drum machine

In a world rhythmically synchronized to the beats of music and life, imagine a drum machine that disrupts this harmony to tell a story—a story of life, irregularity, and survival. The CHD-4 Drum Machine did just that, turning the arrhythmic heartbeats of children with congenital heart defects into a symphony of awareness and empathy. This isn't a tale of merely a musical instrument; it's a narrative of innovation and advocacy, where every beat draws you closer to the heart of a child wrestling with life's rhythm from the very beginning.

With the Swedish Heartchild Foundation at the helm, the CHD-4 became more than an engineering marvel; it was a clarion call that made the silent whispers of congenital heart disease echo in the realm of popular culture and digital interaction. The creative idea was genius in its simplicity and profound in its impact—using real ECGs to create music, thereby educating and engaging potential donors in an experiential journey through sound and empathy.

Key Takeouts:

  1. Creative Storytelling: The CHD-4 serves as an exemplary case of using creative storytelling to raise awareness. By humanizing the condition through the metaphor of music, it made a complex health issue relatable and emotionally compelling.

  2. Engagement through Experience: The execution of the CHD-4 as a hands-on digital experience is a testament to the power of interactive technology in advocacy work. It provided a direct, personal connection to the cause, driving engagement and empathy.

  3. Impactful Results: The results are a testament to the power of innovative thinking in non-profit marketing. With a 48% increase in donations and widespread international attention, the CHD-4’s story is a harmony of success in raising both funds and awareness.

The CHD-4 Drum Machine's journey from concept to a catalyst for change encapsulates the essence of creative marketing. It proves that when technology, storytelling, and cause converge, the result is not just a product but a powerful movement. This initiative demonstrates how creativity can be harnessed to touch hearts and change the beat of life for those affected by congenital heart disease, setting a precedent for future campaigns in the realm of social impact.


  • Creative Director: Oskar Hellqvist

    Art Director: Adam Radi

    Account Director & PR: Johanna Lindberg

    Graphic Designer: Lukas Andersson

    Graphic Designer: Agnes Åkervik

    Account Executive: Louise Ljungberg

    Product Designer: Love HulténDescription text goes here


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