CocaCola & Alexa - I See Coke

In the digital age, a can of soda isn’t just a beverage; it’s a cultural icon. For Coke in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA), breaking through Pepsi's stronghold meant tapping into the consumer’s lifestyle in a way that transcends traditional marketing. With the "I See Coke" campaign, Coca-Cola has brewed an interactive, voice-activated adventure that blends the worlds of entertainment, technology, and soda into a flavorful marketing concoction.

Coke's campaign is a masterclass in leveraging cultural capital. By acknowledging the consumer’s passion for film and tech, Coke didn't attempt to change habits but instead, infused itself into them. In doing so, the brand achieved what every marketer dreams of: transforming a simple action into a habit, a response into an impulse, and a product placement into an immediate purchase opportunity.

There's a clear message: Innovation doesn't always mean creating something new. Sometimes, it's about looking at what's already loved and finding a way to become an intrinsic part of that experience. "I See Coke" redefined product placement, transforming passive viewing into an active shopping experience, merging the path from screen-inspired craving to actual consumption in a seamless journey.

Innovation doesn't always mean creating something new. Sometimes, it's about looking at what's already loved and finding a way to become an intrinsic part of that experience.

Key Takeouts

  1. Cultural Integration Over Interruption: Coke's campaign succeeded by inserting itself into existing consumer behaviors - watching beloved films - rather than trying to change them.

  2. Technology as a Touchpoint: By using Alexa, Coke turned each home into an interactive point-of-sale, demonstrating the power of smart devices in driving immediate consumer action.

  3. Conversion Through Entertainment: The high conversion rate showcases that entertainment-driven marketing can lead to tangible sales, especially when combined with convenience and technology.

Coca-Cola's "I See Coke" campaign is not just a splash in the marketing pool; it’s a strategic dive into the consumer’s world. It leverages the universal language of entertainment to make every Coke sighting an opportunity - not just to sip, but to shop. It’s a reminder that in a world where screens dominate, the path to consumers' hearts, and shopping carts, can be a creative and tech-savvy journey through their favorite stories.

  • Maha ElHawari: Group Account Director - VML MENA

    Manuel Borde: Global CCO - VML New York

    Sebastian Cuevas: Associate Creative Director - VML New York

    David Pinilla: Associate Creative Director - VML New York

    Leila Katrib: Executive Creative Director - VML MENA

    Harvey George: Senior Arabic Copywriter - VML MENA

    Oswaldo Sa: Group Creative Director - VML New York

    Fabio Medeiros: Head of Strategy - VML MENA

    Fernando Miranda: Associate Creative Director - VML MENA

    Nick Walsh: Chief Client Officer - VML MENA

    Chafic Haddad: Chief Creative Officer - VML MENA

    Anne Caroline Ribeiro: Operations Director - VML MENA

    Jaime Mandelbaum: Chief Creative Officer - VML EMEA

    Debbi Vandeven: Global CCO - VML

    Jamie Anning: Global Director of Creative Excellence - VML

    Cristina Mas: Senior Planner - VML MENA

    Manolo Arroyo: CLIENT - The Coca Cola Company

    Santiago Cony Etchart: CLIENT - The Coca Cola Company

    Hady El Hajjar: Co-Founder & Managing Director - HuManagement Co

    Minaam Khatri: Regional Director - Mediacom MENA

    Sahar Antar: Head of Alexa Skill Services, MENA - Amazon Alexa

    Javier Campopiano: EXECUTIVE - WPP Open X

    Miguel Bemfica: CCO - VMLYR

    Alberto Triana: Creative Director - VMLY&R Commerce, US

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    Jonathan Bolivar: Motion & Content Designer - VMLY&R Commerce, Global

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    Matt Jones: Creative Director - VMLY&R Commerce, US

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    David Moore: Executive Creative Director - VMLY&R Commerce, US

    Philip Nash: Global Creative Coordinator - VMLY&R Commerce, Global

    David Cofrancesco: Global Creative Coordinator - VMLY&R Commerce, Global

    Bilal Rachman: Senior Strategist - VMLY&R, UAE


Hulu St. Patrick's Day - Boat Stunt