Apple - The Greatest

In the luminous wake of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, Apple unveiled a poignant narrative, "The Greatest," to the world. This short film, transcending mere advertisement, is a canvas where the strokes of technology paint the everyday triumphs of seven unique individuals. It's a narrative crafted not just with the disabled community but by them, a narrative that turns viewers into witnesses of how Apple's accessibility features become extensions of the human spirit.

From the outset, "The Greatest" was a beacon of progress, a bold affirmation that technology can be a great equalizer. It was an idea birthed from genuine conversations, transforming interviews into vignettes of lived experiences, all set to the cadence of Muhammad Ali's iconic words and the musical genius of Cola Boyy and Matthew Whitaker.

"The Greatest" was a beacon of progress, a bold affirmation that technology can be a great equalizer.

Key Takeouts:

  1. Authentic Representation: The film marks a paradigm shift from disability portrayed as a subject to being the narrative's source, ensuring authenticity in every frame.

  2. Community-Led Creation: The creative process, underpinned by inclusivity, turned the cast from subjects to creators, shaping the film's vision and voice.

  3. Cultural Impact: With its unprecedented reach and reception, "The Greatest" not only celebrated the abilities but also highlighted the indispensability of accessible technology in empowering lives.

"The Greatest" did more than captivate audiences; it changed perceptions. In its wake, it left an indelible mark on how we perceive technology and disability. It stands as a testament to Apple's belief that accessibility isn't an afterthought—it's a fundamental right, intricately woven into the fabric of design and function. As it continues to garner acclaim, "The Greatest" is not just a milestone in representation—it's a beacon for the future of inclusive technology.

  • APPLE: Entrant Company - Cupertino, USA

    APPLE: Idea Creation - Cupertino, USA

    SOMESUCH: Production - Culver City, USA

    APPLE: PR - Cupertino, USA

    APPLE: Media Placement - Cupertino, USA

    Apple Apple: Creative Agency - Apple

    OMD OMD: Media Agency - OMD


Cheat Cookies - Oreo


Sole music