The Lost Class

Imagine a graduation ceremony. The hum of excitement, the joyous cheers, the proud parents. Now, imagine 3,044 empty chairs amidst that celebration. Welcome to "TheLostClass" - a powerful campaign that symbolically illustrates the tragic consequences of gun violence.

Translating Numbers into Narratives:

Statistics, often, are faceless. When we read "3,044 students didn't graduate due to gun violence," it's easy to gloss over. But when presented with a vast sea of empty chairs, each symbolizing lost potential, aspirations, dreams – the narrative becomes personal, immediate, and heart-wrenching.

Capitalizing on Controversy:

It's audacious, to say the least, turning pro-gun advocates into inadvertent spokespeople for an anti-gun violence campaign. Yet, this audacity serves a purpose: to underscore the consequences of their advocacy and generate discussions on a broader scale.

It's audacious, to say the least, turning pro-gun advocates into inadvertent spokespeople for an anti-gun violence campaign.

Key Takeouts:

  1. Key visuals are impactful: The visual of empty chairs is more poignant than mere statistics.

  2. Challenge norms: Using pro-gun advocates in an anti-gun campaign is a bold move that sparks widespread discussion.

  3. Show, Don’t Over-Tell: A well-executed representation often speaks for itself. Let your visuals convey the message.

"TheLostClass" isn't just a campaign; it's a mirror reflecting the devastating consequences of societal choices. As creatives, we're reminded that the most potent messages are often those grounded in stark, unvarnished reality.


  • Campaign: The Lost Class

    Client: Change The Ref, USA.

    Co-Founder: Manuel Oliver, Patricia Oliver.

    Advertising Agency: Leo Burnett, Chicago.

    Production Company: Hungry Man, Los Angeles.

    Illustrator: Sean Hannaway.

    Design Director: Kyle Poff.

    Associate Creative Director: Jason  LaFlore , Matt Turnier , Ceara Adamson.

    Copywriter: MacKenzie  Hart.

    Art Director: Sofia Gahn .

    Junior Copywriter: Kelley Barrett .

    Junior Art Director: Katie DiNardo .

    Head of Production: Mike Davidson .

    Executive Producer: Ashley  Geisheker , Caleb Dewart, Mino Jarjoura, Adrianne  McCurrach , Corina Dennison, Thatcher Peterson , Leslie Dilullo, Ceara Adamson.

    Associate Film Producer: Kaitlin Bucaro .

    Operations Director: Michael Shanahan .

    Production Manager: Julie Lewandowski .

    Account Director: Amy Walloch .

    Head of Planning: Kaylin Goldstein .

    Strategy Director: Nimisha Jain .

    Resource Manager: Nancy Parnell , Phoebe Alvarez .

    Strategist: Sean Logan.

    Director: Bryan Buckley.

    Producer: Matt Lefebvre, Jordan Cohen, Meg Amicucci, Jenny Bright , Lindsey Lerman , Thatcher Peterson .

    Director of Photography: Scott Henriksen.

    Photographer: Neil Dacosta.

    Technical Director: Sun Komen.

    Developer: Danny Wirick.

    Editor: Jason Macdonald, JK Carrington, Ryan Bukowski, Chris VanDyke, Maxwell Redinger.

    Assistant Editor: Grace Yang, Riley Donigan.

    Founder: Phil Crowe.

    Colourist: Gregory Reese .

    Art Assistant: Corey Martinez, David Oh.

    Music Producer: Andrew Feltenstein , John Nau.

    Sound Mixer: Rommel Molina .

    Head of Communications: Jackie  Zupsic.

    Senior Vice President: Baxter Townsend.

    Account Supervisor: Adam Skaf, Ashley  Geisheker .

    Vice President: Kappie Kopp.

    PR Agency: Tusk Strategies.

    PR Account Supervisor: Adam Skaf.

    Project Manager: Julie Lewandowski .


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