The biggets virtual influencer in the world

Lu from Magalu, an avatar born from the digital realm, has transcended her virtual roots to become a pop culture icon and a formidable force in the influencer landscape. As the world's biggest virtual influencer, Lu's presence is an extraordinary example of how a brand can create a digital persona that not only mimics human interaction but becomes a beloved character with genuine influence.

Magazine Luiza, Brazil's retail giant, transformed Lu from an e-commerce guide into a full-fledged celebrity. Her digital DNA, combined with human-like empathy, style, and powerful opinions, has connected with millions globally, challenging the status quo of both virtual and human influencers.

Lu's journey from an online assistant to a Vogue cover star and a commentator on live football matches illustrates the evolving interface between consumers and technology. Her collaborations with global brands like Adidas and Red Bull showcase her unique ability to bridge the gap between the digital and physical worlds, making her an invaluable asset in modern marketing.

Lu from Magalu is not just a virtual phenomenon; she's a visionary symbol of the future of digital engagement.

Key Takeouts:

  1. Beyond the Digital Frontier: Lu's evolution highlights the potential of virtual influencers to transcend digital boundaries and participate in real-world events and causes.

  2. Cultural Resonance: Lu's widespread acceptance is a testament to her relatability and the narrative crafted by Magazine Luiza, proving that storytelling is as crucial in the digital sphere as it is in traditional media.

  3. Brand Integration: Lu exemplifies how a virtual influencer can embody a brand's values, drive engagement, and build a comprehensive marketing ecosystem that spans across multiple platforms.

Lu from Magalu is not just a virtual phenomenon; she's a visionary symbol of the future of digital engagement. Her impact extends beyond mere numbers, reflecting a deep connection with her audience that many brands strive for but seldom achieve. As we venture further into the digital age, Lu is showing the way for how brands can humanize their digital presence and create meaningful, lasting relationships with their audiences.


  • Agency Network Ogilvy

    Holding Company WPP Group

    Production Company OAK Filmes, Robeirão Preto

    Advertiser Brand Magazine Luiza, São Paulo

    Advertising Agency Ogilvy Brasil, São Paulo

    Entrant Company Ogilvy Brasil, São Paulo

    Advertising Agency (Additional) DPZ&T, São Paulo

    Music/Sound Company Comando S Áudio Produções, São Paulo

    Production Company (additional) Alok Production, São Paulo

    Production Company (additional) Sentimental Filme, São Paulo

    Production Company (additional) Vogue Brasil, São Paulo

    Additional Company Rede Globo, São Paulo

    Chief Creative Officer Félix del Valle / Ogilvy Brasil

    Chief Creative Officer Sergio Mugnaini / Ogilvy Brasil

    Executive Creative Director Daniel Schiavon / Ogilvy Brasil

    Executive Creative Director Samir Mesquita / Ogilvy Brasil

    Head of Art Ricardo Leme Lopes / Ogilvy Brasil

    Associate Creative Director Breno Rodrigues / Ogilvy Brasil

    Associate Creative Director Pedro Gouveia / Ogilvy Brasil

    Head of Operations Daniela Paris / Ogilvy Brasil

    Operations Director Tania Garcia / Ogilvy Brasil

    VP Finance Marcia Rodrigues / Ogilvy Brasil

    Account Director Larissa Ferrari / Ogilvy Brasil

    Account Director Tatiana Moliterno / Ogilvy Brasil

    Planning Director Isadora Prado / Ogilvy Brasil

    Media Director Leonardo Moraes / Ogilvy Brasil

    Media Manager Adriana Reimão / Ogilvy Brasil

    Chief Executive Officer Frederico Trajano / Magazine Luiza

    Content,Social &Influencer Marketing Manager Pedro Alvim / Magazine Luiza

    Content Strategist Lead Aline Izo / Magazine Luiza

    Social Media Lead Luiz Carlos Lima / Magazine Luiza

    Public Relations Ana Herzog / Magazine Luiza

    Voice Over Lu Adriana Chagas Fiali Teixeira / Magazine Luiza

    Magalu Content Studio Magalu Content Studio / Magazine Luiza

    OAK Filmes Team OAK Filmes Team / OAK Filmes

    Alok Production Team Alok Production Team / Alok Production

    DPZ&T Team DPZ&T Team / DPZ&T

    Vogue Team Vogue Team / Vogue Brasil

    Director Mauricio Guimarães / Sentimental Filme

    Director Luciano Zuffo / Sentimental Filme

    Executive Producer Marcos Araujo / Sentimental Filme

    Executive Producer Sergio Rezende / Sentimental Filme

    Rede Globo Team Rede Globo Team / Rede Globo




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