The Office Cleaners - Heineken

In a world where overtime is often worn as a badge of honor, Heineken delivered a message that resonated with the overworked: it's time to log off and live on. The "Night Office Cleaners" campaign by Heineken was not just a reminder but a ticket to camaraderie, cleverly using the backdrop of the work environment itself.

As office lights burn late into the night, signaling the unwavering dedication of employees, Heineken saw an opportunity to promote work-life balance in a novel way. In the corridors of Argentine offices, cleaning staff became the unlikely heralds of leisure and social life, wearing QR codes that held the promise of free beer at nearby bars.

This campaign ingeniously repurposed QR technology, typically a tool for work, into a passport for pleasure, integrating a call to action that resonated with the very ethos of Heineken: bringing people together. The strategic placement of these codes on the night cleaners' attire was a gentle nudge: "When you see us, it's time to see your friends."

With over 7,000 QR codes redeemed in the first week, this campaign didn't just encourage leaving the office; it made it the best part of the day.

Key Takeouts:

  1. Timely Trigger: The campaign brilliantly timed the appearance of cleaners with the moment employees should be wrapping up, merging the cue to leave work with an instant reward.

  2. Strategic Partnerships: Aligning with seven major cleaning companies, Heineken ensured widespread reach within the corporate ecosystem.

  3. Behavioral Insight: By capitalizing on the moment workers encounter night staff, Heineken turned a routine signal to wrap up the day into an invitation for social interaction.

Heineken's "The Night Office Cleaners" campaign is a testament to the power of context-driven marketing. It turned the end-of-day routine into a celebration of disconnecting, driving the message that life beyond the desk is ripe for enjoyment. With over 7,000 QR codes redeemed in the first week, this campaign didn't just encourage leaving the office; it made it the best part of the day.

  • Bruno Bertelli: Global CEO Le Pub, Global CCO Publicis Worldwide & CCO Publicis Groupe Italy - LePub

    Cristiana Boccassini: Chief Creative Officer - LePub

    Mihnea Gheorghiu: Chief Creative Officer - LePub

    Andrey Tyukavkin: Global Executive Creative Director - LePub

    Eoin Sherry: Global Executive Creative Director - LePub

    Cyril Louis: Executive Creative Director - Le Pub Singapore

    Antonio Jorgaqi: Senior Experience Strategist - LePub

    Alessandro Agnellini: Associate Creative Director - LePub

    Ilko Petkov: Global Data Strategist - LePub

    Daniela De Seta: Associate Creative Director - LePub

    Francesca Zazzera: Chief Creation Officer - LePub

    Mattia Anelli: Senior Art Director - LePub

    Claudio Roveda: Editor - Freelance

    Andrea Zanino: Senior Copywriter - LePub

    Paola Natellis: Global Client Service Director - LePub

    Isabella Cecconi: Global Head of PR & Communication - LePub

    Ilaria Castiglioni: Group Account Director - LePub

    Monica Radulescu: Global Strategy Director - LePub

    Gonzalo Gutiérrez Gauna: Account Director - LePub

    Maria Lekka: Senior Strategic Planning| Team Lead - AMPLIFY

    Marie Boucaut: Global Client Manager - AMPLIFY

    Lisa van Vliet: Senior Campaign Manager - AMPLIFY

    Ruben Neuhaus: Campaign Manager - AMPLIFY

    Ali Hares: Social Media Director - LePub

    Natalia Cortes: Social Media Manager - LePub

    Cinzia Morandi: Producer - LePub

    Fernando Bellotti: Chief Creative Officer Latam - Publicis Argentina

    Fabio Mazía: Chief Creative Officer Argentina - Publicis Argentina

    Francisco Bledel: Executive Creative Director - Publicis Argentina

    Nicolás Gruschetsky: Account Director - LePub

    Daniel Marando: Account Director - Publicis Argentina

    Federico Provenzano: PR Account Director - Ninch

    Daniel Peralta: PR Account Coordinator - Ninch

    Camila Barbieri: PR Account Executive - Ninch

    Ernestina Cáceres: PR Account Assistant - Ninch

    Bram Westenbrink: Sr. Director Global Heineken® Brand - Heineken

    Agnieszka Gorecki: Heineken® Global Communication Director - Heineken

    Rob Van Griensven: ​​Heineken® Global Digital Director - Heineken

    Guilherme Retz: Heineken® Global Communication Manager - Heineken

    Jonathan O’Lone: Heineken® Brand Global PR Lead - Heineken

    Bram Reukers: Heineken® Global Digital Production Manager - Heineken

    Fernando Sanz Nicuesa: Heineken® Country Manager South Cone - Heineken

    Luciana Ortega: Heineken® Marketing Manager Argentina - Heineken

    Carolina Casasnovas: Heineken® Brand Manager Argentina - Heineken

    Mariano Defelipe: Managing Director The Pub Argentina - The Pub Production

    Greta Bosisio: User Experience Designer - LePub

    Francois Rousseau: Global Director Experience and Innovation - LePub

    Diego Mc Loughlin: Executive Producer - The Pub Argentina

    Esteban: Producer - Freelance (The Pub Argentina)

    Nicolas Mazzi: Director - TresBien

    Tomas Vidal: Executive Producer - TresBien

    Matías Caresani: Producer - TresBien

    Merlina Seijo: Producer - TresBien

    Julián Babino: DP - TresBien

    Teresa Pini: Art Director - TresBien

    Carolina Segatta: Stylist - TresBien

    Anna Visigalli: Grading - Freelance

    Franco Canoba: Senior Copywriter - Publicis Argentina


Mayo McHack


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