
The Untold Story of Reconnecting New York

The 20th anniversary of September 11th, 2001, provided a poignant moment to reflect on how the tragedy has shaped the world and the resilient spirit of New York City. This campaign showcases the aftermath's immediate impact, focusing on the silent heroes who played pivotal roles in restoring communications. Verizon, a pivotal player on that day, takes a narrative approach, merging past events with present-day technology to deliver a real-time, immersive MMS experience.

Using a multimedia MMS platform, the campaign's brilliance lies in leveraging existing apps to springboard immersive storytelling. It curates personal narratives, transporting viewers back to the exact moments of September 12th, 2001. This temporal alignment allows for a profound emotional engagement, where users can relive events simultaneously.

This campaign showcases the aftermath’s immediate impact, focusing on the silent heroes who played pivotal roles in restoring communications.

From a creative perspective, the project successfully marries emotional storytelling with technological innovation. It offers a delicate balance between respecting the tragedy's gravitas and showcasing Verizon's integral role in the recovery. The juxtaposition of raw, real-life accounts with the tech-centric mode of delivery creates a compelling narrative arc.

Key Takeouts:

  1. Emotionally-charged Narratives: Telling real stories creates genuine emotional engagement, grounding the campaign in authentic experiences.

  2. Tech as a Storytelling Tool: Leveraging modern technology to revisit past events provides an innovative bridge between then and now, enhancing user immersion.

  3. Balancing Branding and Sensitivity: The campaign carefully positions Verizon as a silent hero without overshadowing the gravity of the event.

In Conclusion: The campaign represents a masterful blend of technology and emotion, crafting a narrative that honors the past while showcasing the technological advancements of the present. It serves as a testament to the power of storytelling in marketing, where genuine experiences and innovative delivery can resonate deeply with audiences.


  • Production Company: Unit 9, New York

    Advertiser Brand: Verizon, New York

    Advertising Agency: Verizon Creative Marketing, New York

    Entrant Company: Verizon, New York

    Dev Partners: PixelPusher, New York

    Audio: Boombox, New York

    SVP Chief Creative Officer: Andrew McKechnie / Verizon Creative Marketing Group

    VP, Creative Marketing & Ops: Mike Wente / Verizon Creative Marketing Group

    Executive Creative Director: Marc Sobier / Verizon Creative Marketing Group

    Senior Creative Director: Melissa Avery / Verizon Creative Marketing Group

    Senior Creative Director: Tofer Moran / Verizon Creative Marketing Group

    Senior Creative Director: Martin Martinez Virginillo / Verizon Creative Marketing Group

    Associate Creative Director: Jen Le Lu / Verizon Creative Marketing Group

    Associate Creative Director: Jessy Cole / Verizon Creative Marketing Group

    Managing Director, Integrated Production: Rob Beck / Verizon Creative Marketing Group

    Director, Executive Producer: Lizzie Haberman / Verizon Creative Marketing Group

    Senior Producer: Jose Diaz / Verizon Creative Marketing Group

    Assistant Producer: Melissa Urbay / Verizon Creative Marketing Group

    Business Affairs Manager: Deb Horvath / Verizon Creative Marketing Group

    Senior Project Manager: Miriam Fontaine / Verizon Creative Marketing Group

    Associate Account Director: Oscar Martinez / Verizon Creative Marketing Group

    Editor: Joshua Rathmell / Verizon Creative Marketing Group

    Director of Strategy: Sangeet Pillai / Verizon Creative Marketing Group

    Executive Producer: Winslow Dennis / Verizon Creative Marketing Group

    Creative Director Art Direction: Matthew Brant / Verizon Creative Marketing Group

    Creative Director (Conception): Mark Vatsel / Unit 9

    Creative Director (Conception): Hannah Neil / Unit 9

    Creative Director (Conception): Emil Asmussen / Unit 9

    Creative Director: Roger Dario / Unit 9

    Creative Director: Caroline Lueng / Unit 9

    Director (Films): Lefty / Unit 9

    Technical Director: Scott Ashmore / Unit 9

    Technical Director: Andrew Harris / Unit 9

    Strategy Director: Annie Bedard / Unit 9

    Audio Director: Dani Valkova / Unit 9

    Director of Production: Mindy Lubert / Unit 9

    Executive Producer: Giacomo Vigliar / Unit 9

    Executive Producer (Films): Emily Malito / Unit 9

    Senior Producer: Jason Legge / Unit 9

    Senior Producer: Joanna Lee / Unit 9

    3D: Rowan Simpson / Unit 9

    3D: Shaun Larkin / Unit 9

    3D: Luis Chiques / Unit 9

    3D: Cyrill Durigon / Unit 9


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