Burger Glitch

Imagine a world where digital hiccups become a part of our everyday life, where the unexpected becomes the new delightful norm. This is the audacious path that Burger King ventured down, bridging the gap between the gaming world and fast food with the “Burger Glitch” campaign. Now, let's unravel this pixelated enigma and derive insights that can electrify your next creative endeavor.

The “Burger Glitch” campaign is a masterclass in cultural tapping, a concept where brands align with subcultures, in this case, the gaming community, to foster a deeper connection. The creative brilliance lies in the campaign’s leverage of a gaming trope: the glitch. This phenomenon is commonly met with frustration; however, Burger King flipped the narrative by integrating it into the physical world as a humorous and engaging marketing strategy.

Burger King’s initiative to distribute glitched burgers and incorporate AR glitches in physical locations is a potent reminder that creativity knows no bounds. The idea of transforming a negative into a positive is not novel, yet it’s the execution here that stands out. By embracing self-deprecating humor and an element of surprise, the campaign resonates with gamers who appreciate the imperfect and unpredictable nature of their hobby.

By embracing self-deprecating humor and an element of surprise, the campaign resonates with gamers who appreciate the imperfect and unpredictable nature of their hobby.

The campaign’s execution extended to digital spaces as well, with a glitched BK store in the metaverse, ensuring the brand's presence across multiple realities. This multi-reality approach not only broadens the touchpoints with the audience but also fortifies the brand’s image as innovative and in tune with current digital trends.

Key Takeouts:

  1. Cultural Relevance: Aligning with subcultures can create a sense of belonging and authenticity.

  2. Positive Spin on Negatives: Leveraging typically negative experiences, like glitches, can be humorous and engaging when executed with creativity.

  3. Multi-Reality Presence: Establishing a brand in both physical and digital realms is essential in today’s interconnected world.

In a digital age where the lines between realities blur, the “Burger Glitch” campaign stands as a testament to inventive marketing. It’s a call to creatives everywhere to push boundaries, embrace the virtual and real, and find the beauty in imperfection. What glitch in your industry can you turn into a golden opportunity?


  • Agency: DAVID São Paulo

    Global Chief Creative Officer: Pancho Cassis

    Global Chief Operating Officer: Sylvia Panico

    Global Public Relations Director: Sandra Azedo

    Executive Creative Director: Edgard Gianesi, Renata Leão

    Creative Director: Fabrício Pretto, Rogério Chaves

    Creative Team: Renato Simon, André Mezzomo

    Account Team: Carolina Vieira, Cacá Franklin, Larissa Zanardi, Carol Cury

    Producer Team: Fernanda Peixoto, Tuna Canepari, Ana Beatriz Duarte

    Planning Team: Luciana Mendes, Carolina Silva, Angel Pinheiro

    Media Team: Marcia Mendonça, Thomaz Chamiso, Leonardo Berenguer, Pedro Graça, Victor Fortes, Guilherme Garcia

    Innovation and Technology Team: Toni Ferreira, Gustavo Nanes, Arthur Gregolini

    Social Media Team: Maike Maio, Marcelo Reis

    Content Team: Bruno Gonçalves, Bruno Portela, Fernanda Angelo, Gabriella Machado, Ully Correa, Natália Ferrini, Maiara Amaral, João Capusso

    Data Intelligence Team: Mailson Dutra, Ana Veiga

    Client Approval Team: Ariel Grunkraut, Juliana Cury, Daniel Packness, Thata Martins, Jade Solano

    Producer Company: Vetor Zero

    Director: Gabriel Nóbrega, Alberto Lopes, Sergio Salles

    Sound Producer: HeftyDescription text goes here


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